Day 42 ~ More on Demographic Transition

     Today in class we went over more of the packet from Monday's class. The first thing that we covered was how countries got into the different stages and how it affects the people living in the specific country at the time of which the countries are leaving and or entering the different stages of Demographic transition. For example, a country in stage one has a very high Crude Birth Rate, a very high Crude death rate, and a very low rate of natural increase. There are also no countries that are currently in stage one. They have all moved up to at least a stage two on the scale. When a country enters stage two you begin to see that they have a high crude birth rate, a rapidly declining crude death rate, and lastly a very high rate of natural increase. Countries that are currently in stage two were majorly impacted by the medical and industrial revolutions. It almost helped the countries in stage two begin to be on their way to stage three.


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