Day 3 ~ A Message to Garcia

Today in class we read an essay called A Message to Garcia.  This essay was written by Albert Hubbard in 1899. The main point of the essay was to point out the context of Rowan's reason for delivering the message. In my personal opinion after reading the essay for a second time it seemed like Elbert Hubbard was sort of ranting about how he thinks that people should do there job like Rowen. I think in this essay he is trying to prove a point to the public about how they should ask invalid questions and use their common sense to figure out simple questions. Elbert Hubbard wanted the public to know that Rowan did his job without asking questions and completed the task as soon as he was assigned to it. Elbert Hubbard's essay was a bit hard for me to break down at first but when I got home and read it from a different perspective and began to view the essay in a new light. The essay surprisingly can easily compare to the situations in our everyday life today.


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