Day 22 ~ Immigration and Population

     Today in class we talked about immigration and the population in certain countries. Some of the main things that we talked about in class were the Crude Death rate and the total fertility rate. The crude death rate is a term given to the number of people that die over a certain amount of time in a certain country. The Total Fertility rate is the number of babies born in a country over a certain period of time. the two terms are given and show effect through the increase or decrease in a population. Some other terms that we learned were Unemployment rate, Net migration rate, and Life expectancy. the unemployment rate refers to the number of people in a country that are unable or do not have a job. net migration refers to the number of people coming into a specific country to start a new life or gain a better standard of life. Lastly, Life Expency refers to how long a certain group of people in a country are expected to live. Usually, developing countries have a lower life expectancy because of poor living conditions.


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