Day 41 ~ Demographic Transition

     Today in class we were given a packet to read and take notes on Demographic Transition. Demographic transition is a process of change in a society's population from high crude birth rate and death rates and low rate in natural increase to a condition of low crude birth and death rates, low rate of natural increase, and higher total population. In the packet, it kept referring to three specific terms that were abbreviated into three letters. The first one is CBR which stands for crude birth rate. The second is CDR which means the crude death rate. Lastly, the third one is NIR which means the same thing as the rate of natural increase. These three terms were used vividly throughout the packet to tell us how much these three things had a lot to do with the overall overview of Demographic Translation. There were also two other terms that were used on the first page. One of the two was the industrial revolution and the other was the medical revolution. We already know what the industrial revolution is but the medical revolution was the cause of countries getting pushed into stage two.


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