Day 14 ~ Lines of Longitude and Latitude

     Today in class we talked about the importance that lines of longitude and latitude have on the globes and maps that we look at every day. We talked about how we can use longitude and latitude lines to determine the exact location of where things are shown on a map or globe. it was cool to see how the lines of longitude and latitude clearly are shown on every globe or map no matter the size or shape of the map. We also talked about how different coordinates mark the different landmarks such as where the equator lies and the different countries it runs through. we also talked about absolute location. Absolute location is the exact point at which a certain place or object is located. Lines of longitude and latitude help you determine and show you how to find the exact location of a specific place or object. The equator is an example of an exact location based on where it is marked based on the lines of longitude and latitude.


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