Day 38 ~ Second Day of Religion Powerpoint

     Today in class we talked about the last three religions that will be on the quiz tomorrow. They were Hinduism, Buddism, and Judaism. We went over the slides and took notes on the origin, beliefs, and the number of adherents in each religion. It was said in the power points that out of all the religions Judaism had the least amount of people. It was also said that Judaism is the only one out of the three religions that were monotheistic and did not believe in reincarnation.  The other two religions that were in the powerpoint were the only two that did not have a distinct book like Christianity and Judaism they follow more of a list of rules and follow them a bit like Christians follow the Ten commandments. Also, Buddism does not have a supernatural leader like the rest of the religions and the founder was just a normal human that went out into the world and tried to find the meaning of life and happiness. All the other religions had a supernatural background and led back to things that everyone is not certain actually happened. Unlike the coming and crucifixion of Jesus and the resurrection of Jesus.


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