Day 39 ~ Quiz Day

     Today in class we had a quiz on the five major world religions. I studied in my off mod and at home last night but I still am not confident that I got over a B on it. The quiz itself was not hard but I just feel like it was a lot of information that was given out all at once in a short amount of time. I feel like if we would have had more time to study for the quiz I would have been able to get a perfect score. I do not feel like I completely failed the quiz I just feel like I could have done a better job studying or just spent more time on it to make sure that the information was one hundred percent locked in. I am hoping that the blogs will help to cover any points that were lost from the quiz just in case and I know that I will get a perfect grade on the blogs for this week because they were all done on time and meet the requirements. So again I am hoping that my grade will not drastically fall from this quiz that I may have not done the best on. 


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