Day 48 ~ Essay Portion of the Midterm Exam

     Today in class we did the essay portion of our exam. I chose the third question that was question  C which was  Consider our studies of fertility (which include data on CBR and TFR) and mortality (CDR, Infant Mortality Rate, Life Expectancy, and Rate of Natural Increase). Describe the four (or five) stages of the Demographic Transition, beginning with the Industrial Revolution, proceeding to the present day, and projecting into the future. Be sure to discuss individual countries as you describe the different stages. My essay went better than I thought it would and I ended up finishing faster than I thought I would. I thought that I was not going to have enough time to finish. I ended up finishing with about ten minutes to spare. I think that knowing the question ahead of time and being able to prepare notes for the layout of the essay helped to eliminate the stress going into the essay portion of the exam.


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