
Showing posts from December, 2019

Day 48 ~ Essay Portion of the Midterm Exam

     Today in class we did the essay portion of our exam. I chose the third question that was question  C which was    Consider our studies of fertility (which include data on CBR and TFR) and mortality (CDR, Infant Mortality Rate, Life Expectancy, and Rate of Natural Increase). Describe the four (or five) stages of the Demographic Transition, beginning with the Industrial Revolution, proceeding to the present day, and projecting into the future. Be sure to discuss individual countries as you describe the different stages. My essay went better than I thought it would and I ended up finishing faster than I thought I would. I thought that I was not going to have enough time to finish. I ended up finishing with about ten minutes to spare. I think that knowing the question ahead of time and being able to prepare notes for the layout of the essay helped to eliminate the stress going into the essay portion of the exam.

Day 47 ~ more exam prep

Demographic Transition is a term that is used to show the growth and development in different countries. Demographic transition categorizes countries into five categories. Even though that there are five different stages, most countries only fall into four. Throughout the different stages you can clearly see the effects that some worldwide events had on the overall population growth. Such as the Baby Boom following World War ii and the industrial revolution. Demographic Transition clearly shows the impact on these events through the four min stages as time goes on. Since there are four stages in Demographic Transition, they all have different classifications. Starting with stage one. Stage one is shown to have a very high Crude birth rate, a very high crude death rate, and a very low rate of natural increase. This means that the population evens out to where the population begins to decline. Next in stage two. Stage two shows a high crude birth rate, a rapidly dec...

Day 46 ~ Exam Essay review

Paragraph 2 : Stage 1 - Very high CBR Very high CDR Very low NIR Stage 2 - High CBR Rapidly declining CDR Very high NIR Stage 3 - Rapidly declining CBR Moderately declining CDR Moderate NRI Society enters stage 3 when people have fewer children Stage 4 - Very low CBR Low or slightly increasing   CDR Zero or negative NIR paragraph 3: Talk about how the industrial revolution helped impact the united states. Talk about how Europe and North America entered stage 2 after 1750 as a result of the revolution Industrial revolution involved major improvements in manufacturing goods and delivering them to markets and sales places The result of the new transpiration and shipping of goods brought in a great deal of wealth     Essay Topic: Consider our studies of fertility (which include data on CBR and TFR) and mortality (CDR, Infant Mortality Rate, Life Expectancy, and Rate of Natural Increase)...

Day 45 ~ Quiz Day

     Today in class we had the quiz on Demographic Transition. I do not know how well I did on it but I will be very surprised if I end up failing the quiz. I feel like I could have been able to study more last night but I was confident that in the fact that I was able to remember what the lines on the graph mean. I know that I definitely got question 14 wrong because apparently, the answer was something about immigration. I ended up putting how it should be the rate of natural increase instead of the population growth rate. I am hoping that if I don't do well that it will not bring my grade all the way down to a B. Another thing that I feel like I need to prepare myself for is the essay that we need to prepare for when we write to them on Friday. I also need to make sure that I remember that Wednesday and Thursday will be preparation days for the essay portion of the exam.

Day 44 ~ Review of Demographic Transition

     Today in class we went over some of the questions that are going to be on the test on Monday. Overall I feel pretty confident in the fact that I will do well on it. I have been keeping up with my blogs and I feel like I have been able to retain all the information that I have put into my blogs for the past week or two. All of the terms and graphs really are starting to make sense and over the weekend I will watch the videos again and draw the graph again to make sure that it will stay in my brain for the quiz that we will have on Monday. The only thing that I can see myself having trouble with is being able to remember what countries are in what stages of Demographic transitions. Another thing would be remembering the effects of being in different stages. Overall I think I will do very well on the quiz all together of I use the weekend to prepare.

Day 43 ~ Even more on Demographic Transition

     Today in class we talked about how to read a graph that shows a model of Demographic Transition. We started off by going over what the different lines represented. Then we were told to draw the graph in a way that we could look at and understand from our own representation of the graph. The three different lines represented the birth and death rate, the total population, the natural decrease, and the natural increase. The graph clearly shows the effects of the different countries and the different stages of demographic transition. I made sure that the lines were color-coordinated to clearly show the different lines going through the different stages. You can see that the effects of the world wars have on the decrease in population and the effect that events like the baby boom had on the United States. It is also clearly shown that during the world war the death rate started to increase and the birth rate started to decrease.

Day 42 ~ More on Demographic Transition

     Today in class we went over more of the packet from Monday's class. The first thing that we covered was how countries got into the different stages and how it affects the people living in the specific country at the time of which the countries are leaving and or entering the different stages of Demographic transition. For example, a country in stage one has a very high Crude Birth Rate, a very high Crude death rate, and a very low rate of natural increase. There are also no countries that are currently in stage one. They have all moved up to at least a stage two on the scale. When a country enters stage two you begin to see that they have a high crude birth rate, a rapidly declining crude death rate, and lastly a very high rate of natural increase. Countries that are currently in stage two were majorly impacted by the medical and industrial revolutions. It almost helped the countries in stage two begin to be on their way to stage three.

Day 41 ~ Demographic Transition

     Today in class we were given a packet to read and take notes on Demographic Transition. Demographic transition is a process of change in a society's population from high crude birth rate and death rates and low rate in natural increase to a condition of low crude birth and death rates, low rate of natural increase, and higher total population. In the packet, it kept referring to three specific terms that were abbreviated into three letters. The first one is CBR which stands for crude birth rate. The second is CDR which means the crude death rate. Lastly, the third one is NIR which means the same thing as the rate of natural increase. These three terms were used vividly throughout the packet to tell us how much these three things had a lot to do with the overall overview of Demographic Translation. There were also two other terms that were used on the first page. One of the two was the industrial revolution and the other was the medical revolution. We already know wha...